Scrapbookaloo Blog & Made By Sis

unique and quirky scrapbooking and crafting

Been There Done That!

I have noticed a trend among scrapbookers and paper crafters and it’s not a good one. It’s our tendency to always strive for that new gadget, trick or technique. Sure, on its own this is not a bad tendency, but when you combine it with a seeming willingness to toss out the old for these new things…then it really is not good.

If you find yourself thinking “been there, done that” when it comes to techniques and tips, then I suggest you remember two things: that these techniques were once new and they are possibly the answer to your burning issues of what to do on a page.

There are a multitude of GREAT ideas that we’ve seen in the past five or even ten years with scrapbooking and it’s truly easy to get swept up by the trend of the moment. But don’t forsake those time-tested techniques simply because they’re not new. Many of the older techniques are more affordable now and really give you a big bang on the page.

The one I’ve chosen to highlight here is the blocks of paper. When I first got started, do you know I bought a little plastic box of solid cardstock squares and circles and patterned paper circles. Now I have a punch that I can make more of the circles with! But I still have some of those blocks of cardstock to use so I’m going to. This is a great way to highlight a title on some busy paper or better yet to bring some excitement to some not-so-busy paper. All I do is combine alphabet stickers and the blocks and voila!….instant title. Talk about fast and no fuss!

So don’t forsake those old techniques you mastered long ago because they might just be the answer to the page you’re working on today.

Categorized as: Baby | Cost-efficiency | Embellishments | Simple | Titles

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